Seeding a learning organisation

This paper explores the issue of seeding a library as a learning organisation by reporting the process and findings of the Northern Territory Library's trial of the National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) Learning Organisations Maturity (LOM) Matrix. Northern Territory Library introduced advagrams as a new form of documentation that represented the LOM Matrix in an easy to understand way for participating staff to reflect on the maturity of Northern Territory Library as a learning organisation. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis tools were applied to the data, an approach not attempted in preliminary trials of the LOM Matrix. Qualitative analysis tools provided social workplace context, which proved to be essential to analysing and interpreting the quantitative data collected and explaining the differences in staff perceptions of the library's maturity as a learning organisation. This enables workplace-responsive action by management and staff to progress the maturity of the library as a learning organisation. The LOM Matrix proved to be a catalyst for purposeful and forward-looking conversations for staff in Northern Territory Library. Participants valued the opportunity to hear the ideas of others and be challenged in their perceptions.