Global Information Infrastructure: The Birth, Vision, and Architecture
From the Publisher:
Global Information Infrastructure: The Birth, Vision and Architecture addresses three levels of the information superhighway-National Information Infrastructure (NII), Local Information Infrastructure (LII) and Global Information Infrastructure (GII)--in terms of their information contents and technological implementations. End products of these structures, such as architectural models of virtual schools, universities, enterprises, online government and electronic commerce are presented. Computer networks are modeled in a range of user networks and telecommunications networks. Their models are provided in terms of topologies, access methods, standards and protocols. Telematic global policy is presented as well as issues of managing global information technology.
Andrew Targowski has been pursuing this topic for over 20 years. He authored a pioneering refereed publication on the electronic global village and enterprise-wide systems strategy and architecture. In Kalamazoo, Michigan, the author developed the city's project toward the wired city, with a wide area fiber ring, teleport, and business and institution's involvement in electronic global village information/communications services. He was founding chair and project director of Telecity and winner of the 1995 Telecommunications and Information Assistance Program Award of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The author is a member of the Kalamazoo PACT (Pact for Advanced Communications Technology) and chairs the City Hall Task Force on EGV. He is also a member of Public Access TV Channel Committee on Futures.|