A Hydroxyapatite-Collagen Composite Useful to Make Bioresorbable Scaffolds for Bone Reconstruction

Composites between hydroxyapatite (HA) and collagen (Col) may be used to make bioresorbable scaffolds for bone reconstruction. A suspension of micro-particles (average diameter ≅ 30 µm) of HA annealed at 1100°C in Col solution (80:20 HA to Col weight ratio) was manufactured in films by casting, and then some films were cross-linked by glutaraldehyde vapours. Cross-linked sponges were obtained by treating the suspension with transglutaminase, and by lyophilizing the so obtained gel. Characterization by scanning electron microscopy, water sorption test, Col release in water, thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry shows that the cross-linking enhances the stability of the composite. Conversely, neither the interactions between HA and Col, detected by spotlight FT-IR, nor the degradation by collagenase, which is a requirement for the bioresorbibility, are affected by the cross-linking.