SCAR markers were developed to identify zoysiagrass mutants exhibiting fine leaf characteristics

Polymorphic bands of two fine-leaf zoysiagrass mutants (CNU 70-1, CNU 70-2) induced via a gamma-ray irradiation on seeds of Zoysia japonica were obtained by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. The genotype-specific fragments were then converted into PCR-based sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers, which are now amenable to detecting them among other zoysiagrass species widely noticeable in Korea. The CNU 70-1-specific primer set amplified about 900 bp successfully, while the CNU 70-6 marker produced the expected 1,500 bp band, by which those markers were nominated by CNU 70-1_900 and CNU 70-6_1500 SCARs, respectively. The developed SCAR markers can be an applicable tool in sod industry where illegal appropriation hampers breeder`s right and profits due to the turfgrass plant vegetatively propagating.