ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Penderita stroke dapat mengalami kesulitan saat berjalan karena gangguan pada kekuatan otot, keseimbangan, dan koordinasi gerak, sehingga kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Latihan gerak mempercepat penyembuhan pasien stroke, karena akan mempengaruhi sensasi gerak di otak. meningkatkan kekuatan otot perlu dilakukan latihan mobilisasi atau rehabilitasi, yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki fungsi neurologis dan mencegah terjadinya kontraktur atau kekakuan otot dengan teknik Range Of Motion (ROM). Tujuan : mengetahui penerapan teknik Range Of Motion (ROM) dalam  mengatasi hambatan mobilitas fisik pasien stroke non hemoragik. Metode : Penelitian deskriptif. Sampel  1 responden, Subyek adalah Ny. S, umur 62 tahun,  mengalami kelemahan pada lengan kanan dan kaki sebelah kanan sejak 1 hari. Hasil : tindakan Range Of Motion (ROM) pasif dilakukan 2 kali sehari selama 3 hari dengan bantuan perawat ataupun mandiri, namun Ny. S belum mampu mengangkat lengan dan kaki kanannya. Kekuatan otot pada lengan kanan Ny. S masih skala 2 dan kekuatan otot kaki kanan masih skala 2, jadi belum ada perubahan selama 3 hari dilakukan tindakan. Simpulan :  tindakan Range Of Motion (ROM) pasif belum terbukti efektif  karena membuktikan bahwa dengan tidak adanya hasil yang dicapai atau belum ada perubahan, kekuatan otot Ny. S masih sama dengan saat sebelum dilakukan teknik Range Of Motion (ROM) pasif. Kata kunci : Mobilitas,  Non-hemorogik, ROM, stroke ABSTRACT Background : Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that causes multisystem disorders and has the Background : Stroke sufferers can experience difficulty when walking due to disturbance in muscle strength, balance, and coordination of movement, resulting in difficulties in carrying out daily activities. Motion training accelerates the healing of stroke patients, because it will affect the sensation of motion in the brain. increase muscle strength mobilization or rehabilitation exercises need to be done, which aims to improve neurological function and prevent contractures or muscle stiffness with thetechnique Range of Motion (ROM). Objective : to determine the application of thetechnique Range of Motion (ROM) in overcoming physical mobility barriers for non-hemorrhagic stroke patients. Method : Descriptive research. Sample 1 respondent, Subject is Ny. S, aged 62 years, has experienced weakness in the right arm and right leg since 1 day. Results : Range of Motion (ROM) was Passiveperformed twice a day for 3 days with the help of a nurse or independent, but Ny. S has not been able to lift his right arm and leg. Muscle strength in the right arm S is still on scale 2 and right leg muscle strength is still on scale 2, so there has been no change for 3 days of action. Conclusion :action Range of Motion (ROM) Passivehas not been proven effective because it proves that in the absence of results achieved or no changes, the muscle strength of Ny. S is still the same as before thetechnique Range Of Motion (ROM) passive.  Keywords: Mobility, Non-hemorrhogic, ROM, stroke