Landscape level processes driving carabid crop assemblage in dynamic farmlands

Landscape heterogeneity has been shown to be a major factor in the maintenance of biodiversity and associated services in agricultural landscapes. Farmlands are mosaics of fields with various crop types and farming practices. Crop phenology creates asynchrony between fields sown and harvested in different periods (winter vs. spring crops). The present study was conducted to examine the influence of such spatio-temporal heterogeneity on biodiversity, with the hypothesis that it would lead to spatio-temporal redistribution (shifting) of species. Species richness and activity-density of carabid beetles in winter cereal (winter) and maize (spring) crops were compared across 20 landscapes distributed along a double gradient of relative area and spatial configuration of winter and spring crops. Maize fields were sampled in spring and late summer for comparison over time. The response of carabid species richness to landscape heterogeneity was weak in spring, but maize field richness benefited from adjacencies with woody habitat, in late summer. In spring, increased length of interfaces between winter and spring crops lowered carabid activity-density in winter cereal fields, suggesting that maize fields acted as sinks. Interfaces between woody habitats and crops increased activity-density in both crop types. We found no evidence of spatio-temporal complementation, but different species benefited from winter cereals and maize in spring and late summer, increasing overall diversity. These findings confirm the role of adjacencies between woody and cultivated habitats in the conservation of abundant carabid assemblage in winter cereals and maize. We conclude that between-field population movement occurs, and advocate for better consideration of farmland heterogeneity in future research.

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