The divided or kissing nevus is an unusual congenital melanocytic nevus. By definition, these nevi appear on skin that separates during embryological development. These lesions have been reported on the eyelids, fingers, and rarely the penis. We describe an 18 year old uncircumcised male who presented with an asymptomatic darkly pigmented patch on the glans penis. He reported that the lesion had appeared recently and was enlarging. Physical examination revealed a second symmetric lesion on the adjacent foreskin. Punch biopsy of the lesion on the glans penis showed abundant intradermal melanocytes devoid of mitoses and atypia, consistent with an intradermal melanocytic nevus. Based on the benign histologic nature and clinical exam, the lesion was diagnosed as a divided or kissing nevus of the penis. Proposed treatments include excision and grafting as well as Nd:YAG laser therapy. However, these patients may be safely monitored with regular follow-up skin examinations because there is minimal risk of malignant transformation.
B. Palmer,et al.
Kissing nevus discovered at circumcision consult.
Journal of pediatric urology.
T. Nagano,et al.
Divided naevus of the penis.
Acta Dermato-Venereologica.
A. Hauschild,et al.
Kissing melanoma or kissing nevus of the penis?
C. Bunker,et al.
Kissing naevus of the penis
Clinical and experimental dermatology.
J. Ortonne,et al.
Divided nevus of the penis: an unusual location.
Archives of dermatology.
H. Chan,et al.
Divided naevus of the penis: a hypothesis on the embryological mechanism of its development.
Acta dermato-venereologica.