Coherent Electromagnetic Waves In The Presence Of A Half Space Of Randomly Distributed Scatterers

For a half space of small spherical scatterers illuminated by a plane wave at oblique incidence, the coherent field propagation is investigated by solving the Foldy-Twerskey Integral Equation. It is found that for a horizontally polarized incident wave, the coherent field is horizontally polarized with reflectivity and transmissivity agreeing with the Fresnel formula for an equivalent continuous effective medium. For a vertically polarized incident wave, both vertical and longitudinal wave have been obtained for the coherent field. Furthermore, the reflectivity and transmissivity do not agree with the Fresnel formula. In numerical illustrations for both the transverse and longitudinal waves, the effective wave number, the reflectivity and transmissivity show strong dependence on particle size, volume fraction, scatterer-dielectric constant and the incident wave number.