The Big Match in Small Space

In this paper we study how to play (stochastic) games optimally using little space. We focus on repeated games with absorbing states, a type of two-player, zero-sum concurrent mean-payoff games. The prototypical example of these games is the well known Big Match of Gillete (1957). These games may not allow optimal strategies but they always have {\epsilon}-optimal strategies. In this paper we design {\epsilon}-optimal strategies for Player 1 in these games that use only O(log log T ) space. Furthermore, we construct strategies for Player 1 that use space s(T), for an arbitrary small unbounded non-decreasing function s, and which guarantee an {\epsilon}-optimal value for Player 1 in the limit superior sense. The previously known strategies use space {\Omega}(logT) and it was known that no strategy can use constant space if it is {\epsilon}-optimal even in the limit superior sense. We also give a complementary lower bound. Furthermore, we also show that no Markov strategy, even extended with finite memory, can ensure value greater than 0 in the Big Match, answering a question posed by Abraham Neyman.

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