Study of Reliable Link Information Frame in field bus communication

Current bus technology makes bus communication speed specification very high in some ideal conditions. But high-speed specification does not mean a real highspeed communication, and high speed doesn't mean high efficient communication way. The RLIF (Reliable Link Information Frame) is a good way to realize a high efficiency. The RLIF proposes a new series communication rule in the condition of common transmission medium to realize a heavy load, high speed and reliable data communication. The RLIF rule makes communication mode faced to physics layer enhanced toward link layer, and it makes the communication protocol (HDLC/SDLC) closer to physics layer to improve communication flexibility and field bus efficiency. The RLIF simplifies HDLC, replaces the real time error correction with integrated error control method which solves the problems of heavy data and high efficient transmission in field bus mode. The paper also presents some new definitions on actual field bus high speed and efficiency.