Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Materi Fluida Statis Dengan Strategi Inkuiri Terbimbing

This research aimed to develop physics learning module with guided inquiry strategy on static fluid material and describe the attractiveness, easiness, the benefit of using products, and the effectiveness of the product. The development were included the analysis of the needs, learning goals, main material, evaluation instruments, first product, evaluation, revision, product test, and final product. The final product had been valid in attractiveness aspect with very attractive classification, the easiness aspect had been very easy. Beside that, in the benefit aspect the final product had been very useful. The effectiveness of learning module with guided inquiry strategy statis fluid material that was as much as 78.00% had reached KKM.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul pembelajaran fisika dengan strategi inkuiri terbimbing pada materi fluida statis serta mendeskripsikan kemenarikan, kemudahan, kemanfaatan, dan keefektifan produk. Pengembangan tersebut meliputi analisis kebutuhan, tujuan pembelajaran, pokok materi, alat ukur keberhasilan, produk awal, evaluasi,revisi, uji coba produk, dan produk final. Produk akhir sudah valid dalam aspek kemenarikan dengan klasifikasi sangat menarik, aspek kemudahan sudah sangat mudah digunakan. Selain itu, dalam aspek kemanfaatan produk akhir sudah sangat bermanfaat. Tingkat keefektifan modul pembelajaran dengan strategi inkuiri terbimbing materi fluida statis yaitu sebanyak 78,00% telah mencapai KKM.