V-Brake - nästa generations friktionsbroms

Our master thesis is performed for Faiveley Transport AB, Landskrona. The company’s main business area is development and assembly of complete brake systems, wheels and couplings for railway vehicles. The company is currently working on a project, V-Brake, to develop a new competitive brake. Earlier two students, T. Persson and J. Martensson, have been working with the development of the brake, but the assignment was too extensive. At the end of their thesis, the analyses of temperature influence during a brake sequence was not included. The purpose of this master thesis was to continue the development of V-Brake and perform computer based heat flux and structural analyses. A complete development of a brake pad holder was also included. Our objective was to make sure that V-Brake finally fulfilled the target specifications set by Faiveley Transport. Unfortunately, it was not possible to perform the heat flux and structural analyses in the same software. To compute the influence of the temperature the heat flux analysis was first separately made and the results were used as input data in the structural analysis. The structural analysis results showed that some improvements had to be made in order to make a design that endured the strains during a normal brake sequence. In the development process of the brake pad holder several concepts were generated which underwent careful evaluation. This process gave us a product concept, which we performed contact pressure analysis and redesigns on. This was made to achieve a final brake pad holder that fulfilled the safety and design demands set by Faiveley Transport. The remaining part is to produce a physical prototype that can be tested in a laboratory. The results from these tests should be enough to finalize the development of V-Brake.