Functional-logical simulation of quality of functioning integrated circuits under the effect of radiation and electromagnetic field
Methods of functional-logical simulation of the radiation behavior and effect of electromagnetic radiation on integrated circuits (ICs) based on the model of the Brauer digital fuzzy automation are considered. A principal distinction of this method from conventional ones is the possibility of taking into account the dependences of radiation resistance and pulsed electric strength on operation mode, functional state, and construction- topological and circuit parameters of ICs in the explicit form in functional-logical models of ICs. The procedures of construction of membership criterion functions of basic elements for ICs of various technologies are considered. Algorithms and recommendations for methods of predicting pulsed electric strength and transient and residual radiation effects in ICs are given. As an example, theoretical and experimental results of simulation of the quality of functioning of LSIC ROM of a series 1656 with respect to residual damages are presented.