Exploring the Potential of Using Multiple E-science Infrastructures with Emerging Open Standards-Based E-health Research Tools

E-health makes use of information and communication methods and the latest e-research tools to support the understanding of body functions. E-scientists in this field take already advantage of one single infrastructure to perform computationally-intensive investigations of the human body that tend to consider each of the constituent parts separately without taking into account the multiple important interactions between them. But these important interactions imply an increasing complexity of applications that embrace multiple physical models (i.e. multi-physics) and consider a larger range of scales (i.e. multi-scale) thus creating a steadily growing demand for interoperable infrastructures that allow for new innovative application types of jointly using different infrastructures for one application. But interoperable infrastructures are still not seamlessly provided and we argue that this is due to the absence of a realistically implementable infrastructure interoperability reference model that is based on lessons learned from e-science usage. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to explore the potential of using multiple infrastructures for one scientific goal with a particular focus on e-health. Since e-scientists gain more interest in using multiple infrastructures there is a clear demand for interoperability between them to enable a use with one e-research tool. The paper highlights work in the context of an e-Health blood flow application while the reference model is applicable to other e-science applications as well.