The GRB 030329 host: a blue low metallicity subluminous galaxy with intense star formation

We present broad band photometry and spectroscopic observations of the host galaxy of GRB 030329. Analysis of the spectral emission lines shows that the host is likely a low metallicity galaxy (Z ∼ 0.004). The spectral energy distribution (SED) constructed with the photometric points has been fitted using synthetic and observational templates. The best SED fit is obtained with a starburst template with an age of ∼150 Myr and an extinction Av ∼ 0.6. We find that the GRB 030329 host galaxy is a subluminous galaxy (L ∼ 0.016 L � ) with a stellar mass of 10 8 M� . Three independent diagnostics, based on the restframe UV continuum, the [O ii], and the Balmer emission lines, provide a consistent )

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