18세기 서화유물 배접지의 특성(제1보)

This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of the lining papers which had been separated from six pieces of paintings and calligraphic works of the 18th and the 20th century. A total 20 kinds of lining papers were examined on the physical properties, colors, fiber morphology, and color reactions. The grammage and thickness of lining papers which had been used hanging-scroll type works were higher than those of folder types. On the other hand, the grammage and thickness of the first layer lining papers which had been separated from silk ground works were lower than those of paper ground works. All kinds of lining papers were colored from yellow to yellowish red because of unbleaching and deterioration. Through the examination on fiber morphology and color reactions, lining papers were verified that all of those were made from paper mulberry bast fiber but the first layer of the Mukjukdo. The lining paper which of the first layer of the Mukjukdo was verified that it was made from mixture of paper mulberry, hemp, and spruce pulps.