Life cycle analysis applied to the assessment of the environmental impact of alternative synthetic processes. The dimethylcarbonate case: part 1

Abstract This study is part of our research on “clean synthetic methodologies”, one specific application dealing with the use of carbon dioxide as a building block for chemicals [Aresta M, Quaranta E. Carbon dioxide: a substitute for phosgene. Chemtech, 1997;27(3):32–40, and references therein]. In this paper the application of the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) procedure to the synthesis of dimethylcarbonate (DMC) is presented. Six different synthetic routes have been taken into consideration, and the results of the LCA study for two of them, one based on phosgene, the other on CO2, are discussed. The results of our study reveal that the route based on phosgene has an impact factor four times higher than the route based on CO2. LCA, coupled with a “Life Costing Cycle Analysis” can provide support to the decision of implementing an innovative synthetic methodology.