Performance evaluation of health systems and management in the Brazilian public administration Avaliação de desempenho de sistemas de saúde e gerencialismo na gestão pública brasileira

Abstract The logic of the new public administration considers health services as non-state activities, and therefore executable by private entities. In this scenario, the control function reaches the proscenium in the dis -cussion about the consolidation of the Regulatory State. Thus, this study used the narrative review technique, described by Rothers, to create the web of an initial critique regarding the content that the administrative control of the State has been outlining in the health sector. The focus was on the direct way of contracting results, expressed in the performance evaluation of health systems. As a counterargument, we turned our attention to the complexity of the field, both from the point of view of the intense disagreement regarding key terms, as well as the methodological problems in the study of health systems. Furthermore, we have comments about the acting perspective that goes beyond the control function and the need for the scientific com-munity to refocus on the topic.

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