수치 해석에 의한 단독 타 유체력 계산

【In this study, flow around rudder is analyzed by utilizing the numerical calculation, and the rudder open water test is performed to validate the calculation. The aim of this study is to design the new rudder shape to improve manoeuvring performance. In first, flow around two-dimensional rudder section is analyzed to understand the characteristics of section profile. And the calculation for all-movable rudders is performed and compared with results of rudder open water test. It is hard to numerically predict the drag force because the value is sensitive to the turbulence modeling and grid spacing near the wall. However, the lift force is predicted well. And we can prove that concave profile of the rudder section produce more lift and torque than convex one as a experiment. However PANEL method that ignore viscous effect cannot distinguish the difference of them. So, we can look for the numerical tool to be developed the new rudder shape.】