Follow the sun: distributed extreme programming development
In early 2004, a global company brought together three independent development regions, United States of America (Seattle), United Kingdom (Poole), and Singapore, to form one 24x5 around-the-clock extreme programming team. A year after merging into one team, the group is effectively using full extreme programming practices across the world on a single codebase. This experience report describes the challenges we face in this environment, lessons learned, and how we resolved issues such as global continuous integration, cultural differences, and conflicting priorities across regions.
[1] Kent Beck,et al. Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (2nd Edition) , 2004 .
[2] Keith Braithwaite,et al. XP Expanded: Distributed Extreme Programming , 2005, XP.
[3] Kent L. Beck,et al. Extreme programming explained - embrace change , 1990 .