도시 버스교통 평가지표의 개발과 통합화방법에 관한 연구

The goals of this study are to develop evaluation index for urban bus transit and to find unification method for establishment of proper bus transit policy. Till this time, as result of using many evaluation index for urban bus transit unsuitably, there are not fully understanding to the public(except expert), making a wrong application of some index, and not existing important index to explain. This study improve the index of `Bus Route Deviation` and develop the index of `Bus Route Duplication ` to solve these problems. And many indexes are classified by chief object connect with bus transit, that is user(citizen), operator(bus company), and manager(administrative organ.), and unifyed by each object. Finally, Three unifyed indexes combined as one by weighting metod. Moreover unification method is presented by using abstraction of intermediate index, quantification, standardization and weighting.