Variations of Tool and Task Characteristics Reveal That Tool-Use Postures Are Anticipated

The authors examined anticipation in tool use, focusing on tool length and tool-use posture. Adults (9 women and 9 men in each experiment) held a rod (length 0.4-0.8 m), with the tip upward; walked toward a cube; chose a place to stop; and displaced the cube with the rod's tip. In 2 experiments, rod length, mass, and mass distribution, and the size of the cube were manipulated. Chosen distance depended on rod length and cube size. Because effects of cube size on distance resulted only from postural changes related to required control, distance anticipated displacement posture. A postural synergy comprising legs and trunk provided a stable platform for the displacement. An arm synergy was less extended for small cubes, longer rods, and handleweighted rods. Selected distance anticipated those postures.

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