Context-aware QoE-price equilibrium for wireless multimedia relay communications using stackelberg game

With the tremendous volume explosion of big data video contents in future wireless networks, ensuring Quality of Experience (QoE) of the End User (EU) by leveraging communication context becomes an important issue. In this paper, we propose a context-aware wireless multimedia relay solution to incentivize user devices participating in wireless relay services. In this proposed approach, QoE and price are jointly considered in a Stackelberg game model, providing economic rewards to the Relay Device (RD) which helps transmitting video contents between the Base Station (BS) and EU. The revenue of RD is numerically associated to the communication resource consumed by relaying video from the BS to the EU, while the utility of BS is quantitatively determined by the video QoE provided to the EU. We mathematically prove the existence of equilibrium state in the proposed Stackelberg game model. The simulation results show that players of EU, RD and BS in the system get desirable utilities in the QoE-Price equilibrium state.

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