Scientific computing using virtual high-performance computing: a case study using the Amazon elastic computing cloud

High-performance computing systems are important in scientific computing. Clusters of computer systems --- which range greatly in size --- are a common architecture for high-performance computing. Small, dedicated clusters are affordable and cost-effective, but may not be powerful enough for real applications. Larger dedicated systems are expensive in absolute terms and may be inefficient because many individual groups may not be able to provide sustained workload for the cluster. Shared systems are cost-effective, but then availability and access become a problem. An alternative model is that of a virtual cluste, as exemplified by Amazon's Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2). This provides customers with storage and CPU power on an ondemand basis, and allows a researcher to dynamically build their own, dedicated cluster of computers when they need it. Used by commercial web services deployers, this technology can be used in scientific computing applications. This paper presents a case study of the use of EC2 for scientific computing. The case study concludes that EC2 provides a feasible, cost-effective model in many application areas.