최적조건법에 의한 위상 최적화 연구
Topology optimization has evolved into a very efficient concept design tool and has been incorporated into design engineering processes in many industrial sectors. In recent years, topology optimization has become the focus of structural design community and has been researched and applied widely both in academia and industry. There are mainly two approaches for topology optimization of continuum structures; homogenization and density methods. The homogenization method is to compute an optimal distribution of microstructures in a given design domain. The sizes of the micro-cavities are treated as design variables for the topology optimization problem. The density method is to compute an optimal distribution of an isotropic material, where the material densities are treated as design variables. In this paper, the density method is used to formulate the topology optilnization problem. This optimization problem is solved by using an optimality critcria mcthod. Several example problems are solvcd to show the usefulness of the present approach.