Pilot Testing of SHRP 2 Reliability Data and Analytical Products: Florida

The Reliability Program of the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has developed a number of products to support estimating travel time reliability, identifying reliability deficiencies and contributing factors, identifying alternative solutions, and analyzing the impacts of these solutions. As part of the SHRP 2 program, tools have been developed to assess reliability based on a variety of approaches such as sketch planning, analytical analysis, simulation analysis, and travel time monitoring. SHRP 2 initiated the L38 project to pilot test products from five of the program’s completed projects. The products support reliability estimation and use based on data analyses, analytical techniques, and decision-making framework. The L38 project has two main objectives: (1) to assist agencies in using travel time reliability as a measure in their business practices and (2) to receive feedback from the project research teams on the applicability and usefulness of the products tested, along with their suggested possible refinements. SHRP 2 selected four teams from California, Minnesota, Florida, and Washington. This document reports on the activities performed as part of the Florida project (Project L38C). Project L38C tested elements from Projects L02, L05, L07, and L08. Project L02 identified methods to collect, archive, and integrate required data for reliability estimation and methods for analyzing and visualizing the causes of unreliability based on the collected data. Projects L07 and L08 produced analytical techniques and tools for estimating reliability based on developed models and allowing the estimation of reliability and the impacts on reliability of alternative mitigating strategies. Project L05 provided guidance regarding how to use reliability assessments to support the business processes of transportation agencies. This report presents observations concerning the usefulness of the products tested in the SHRP 2 L38C project, a look at the issues identified by the research team related to those products, and a review of the level of understanding and acceptance by the stakeholders involved in the project.