Embrittlement criteria for Zircaloy fuel cladding applicable to accident situations in light-water reactors. Summary report

The capability of Zircaloy cladding to withstand thermal-shock loads during the reflood stage of a loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA) transient as well as anticipated loads during handling and transport of heavily oxidized fuel assemblies has been evaluated. Although the type and magnitude of the forces on the cladding under the latter situations have not been quantified, the critical fracture loads under conditions of impact, tension, and diametral compression have been determined as functions of the degree of oxidation of the material and microstructure produced by cooling through the temperature range of the ..beta.. ..-->.. ..cap alpha..' phase transformation at different rates. The effects of ballooning and rupture (i.e., wall thinning) and hydrogen uptake by the cladding during oxidation in steam on the deformation characteristics at room temperature have also been evaluated. The best correlation of the thermal-shock failure characteristics, the failure-impact energy, and the diametral-compression properties with an oxidation-related parameter was obtained relative to the thickness of the transformed ..beta..-phase layer, with a maximum oxygen content, for cladding that was oxidized at temperatures between 1200 and 1700/sup 0/K for various times. Embrittlement criteria, which encompass the mechanical response of the cladding under different loading modes, have been formulated relative to the thermal-shockmore » and 0.3-J impact resistance of the material.« less