Effect of respiratory infection on the elution of benzo(a)pyrene from carbon particles in the respiratory tract of mice

The effect of respiratory infection by PR8 influenza virus on the elution of benzol[a]pyrene (BaP) from carbon particles in the respiratory tract of mice was studied. In mice, this virus produces, among other phenomena, a proteinaceous effusion and mixed cellular exudate in the alveolar parenchyma during the acute phase of infection. If BaP‐coated carbon particles are introduced into the respiratory tract during the acute stage of infection, the rate of BaP elution from the carbon particles is increased. When BaP‐coated carbon particles were instilled in the respiratory tract either 1 wk before or 2 wk after the acute stage of infection, the BaP elution rate from carbon particles was similar to that in uninfected animals.