Review of Finnish biomass gasification technologies

This report is part of the OPET Network work carried out under the Promotion of Gasifiers co-ordinated by OPET CORA c/o Saarlandische Energie-Agentur GmbH (SEA). The core task is toallow potential investors to receive a good overview on the most promising gasifiertechnologies.OPET Finland is a member of the OPET Network (Organisations for the Promotion of EnergyTechnologies). The OPET Network aims to promote the results of new energy technologies andtheir introduction in society. The Network operates under the fifth EU Framework Programmefor Research and Development (1998-2002) as part of the Energy, Environment and SustainableDevelopment Programme. OPET currently includes over 100 partner organisations in 44countries within the European Union, the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe andCyprus, as well as Norway, Iceland and Israel. OPET Associates have also been established inkey work regions such as the former CIS, Latin America, China, India and Southern Africa.OPET Finland partners are National Technology Agency Tekes, Motiva Oy and VTT Processes.OPET Report 4 summaries the current situation of the gasification technologies in Finland. Thereport is written by Mr. Esa Kurkela, head of the gasification and gas cleaning research group atVTT Processes.Espoo, May 2002