The calculation of the detection efficiency in the calibration of gross alpha–beta systems

This paper presents a method for efficiency calibration of a measuring alpha–beta system PROTEAN ORTEC, MPC-2000-DP, using standard radioactive sources. The system is used to measure gross alpha–beta activity concentrations in environmental samples. The calculated efficiencies of detection were subsequently introduced in the system for two working geometries: measuring geometry—gross alpha–beta$$ \varepsilon_{\alpha }^{g} $$ = 31,37 ± 0.25 (%)—the alpha efficiency and $$ \varepsilon_{\beta }^{g} $$ = 44.94 ± 0.69 (%)—the beta efficiency, where the spillover factor is $$ X_{\text{talk}}^{g} $$ = 25.59 ± 0.50 (%) and measuring geometry up alpha–beta$$ \varepsilon_{\alpha }^{u} $$ = 36.23 ± 0.29 (%)—the alpha efficiency and $$ \varepsilon_{\beta }^{u} $$ = 48.53 ± 0.74 (%)—the beta efficiency, where the spillover factor is $$ X_{\text{talk}}^{u} $$ = 31.08 ± 0.60 (%).