Internet Open Trading Protocol

From the Publisher: Learn how to implement IOTP Supported by the leaders in e-commerce and computing,Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) is a common standard for buying and selling on the Internet. Internet Open Trading Protocol is the first book to explain the ins and outs of IOTP. It tells you why IOTP is important for the future of e-commerce,and how to implement it. You get plenty of implementation savvy from case studies of e-commerce leaders Hewlett Packard,Open Market,Mondex,and DigiCash. Authors Donald Eastlake,David Burdette,and Marcus Goncalves are the developers and gurus of the IOTP standard,and provide expert insights into: *IOTP trading mechanisms *the advantages of IOTP over current standards such as EDI *the necessary XML coding and how it's used with IOTP *more!