Recent extensions to seismic margin review methodology

Abstract Two seismic margin review methodologies — one by USNRC and the other by EPRI — have been developed in the last four years. The focus is on assessing the capability of existing nuclear power plants to withstand earthquakes larger than the design basis earthquakes. The methods restrict the analysis to a selected few systems and components using the insights from past seismic PRAs, seismic analysis and qualification results, and earthquake experience data. The objective of this paper is to describe recent and on-going studies in extending the NRC seismic margin review methodology. Specifically, three topics are discussed: (1) extension of the HCLPF capacity to analyse radiological releases and importance of human factors and non-seismic failures; (2) importance of BWR plant systems and functions to seismic margins; and (3) extensions of seismic margin review results to obtain seismic risk estimates.