Discovery of polychaete species Manayunkia caspica (Annenkova, 1929) in the Serbian sector of the Danube
pica in the literature is scarce and out-of-date. The hitherto known distribution includes the Ponto-Caspian area and Bulgarian part of the Danube River (G e r l a c h, 1978; R u s s e v and M a r i n o v, 1964; R u s s e v et al., 1998; U z u n o v et al., 1998). Manayunkia caspica originates from the Ponto-Caspian basin (Caspian Environment Programme, 2001), and it has not been previously found in most European areas. This new record of M. caspica moves the limit of distribution of the given species 122 km upstream along the Danube watercourse.