Influence of Temperature and Light Conditions on Germination, Growth and Conidiation of Oidium neolycopersici

The effect of temperature and light conditions (spectral quality, intensity and photoperiod) on germination, development and conidiation of tomato powdery mildew (Oidium neolycopersici) on the highly susceptible tomato cv. Amateur were studied. Conidia germinated across the whole range of tested temperatures (10-35°C) ; however, at the end-point temperatures, germination was strongly limited. At temperatures slightly lower than optimum (20-25°C), mycelial development and time of appearance of the first conidiophores was delayed. Conidiation occurred within the range of 15-25°C, however was most intense between 20-25°C. Pathogen development was also markedly influenced by the light conditions. Conidiation and mycelium development was greatest at light intensities of approximately 60 μmol/m 2 per second. At lower intensities, pathogen development was delayed, and in the dark, conidiation was completely inhibited. A dark period of 24 h after inoculation had no stimulatory effect on later mycelium development. However, 12 h of light after inoculation, followed by continuous dark, resulted in delayed mycelium development and total restriction of pathogen conidiation (evaluated 8 days postinoculation). When a longer dark period (4 days) was followed by normal photoperiod (12h/12h light/dark), mycelium development accelerated and the pathogen sporulated normally. When only inoculated leaf was covered with aluminium foil while whole plant was placed in photoperiod 12 h/12 h, the intensive mycelium development and slight subsequent sporulation on covered leaf was recorded.