A t-design (X, @?) is a @u-set X together with a family @? of k-subsets from X, called blocks, such that each subset of X of size t is contained in exactly @l members of @?. A t-design with the above parameters is also called a t-(@u, k, @l) design. Here, we allow repeated k-sets in @?, i.e. @? is a multiset. We describe the action of the Mathieu groups M"n, n = 24, 23, 22, on the power sets of the respective X (Chang Choi and John H. Conway have done this for M"2"4), and then determine all of the quadruples of parameters t, n, k, @l with 2 =< t < k =< 1/2n for which there is a t-(n, k, @l) design with M"n as automorphism group. Among the many new t-designs found there is, for example, an 11-(24, 12, 6) design which is the union of three orbits of 12-sets under M"2"4, two of which are repeated six times.
Dale M. Mesner,et al.
T-designs on Hypergraphs
Discret. Math..
Xavier L. Hubaut.
Two new families of 4-designs
Discret. Math..
R. H. F. Denniston,et al.
Some New 5-Designs
Ascher Wagner,et al.
Transitivity of finite permutation groups on unordered sets
J. A. Todd,et al.
A representation of the Mathieu groupM24 as a collineation group
A. Brouwer.
The t-designs with v < 18
Chang Choi,et al.
On subgroups of ₂₄. I. Stabilizers of subsets
William O. Alltop,et al.
An Infinite Class of 5-Designs
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.