Epidermal sheet grafts for repigmentation of vitiligo and piebaldism, with a review of surgical techniques.
Thin epidermal sheets, obtained by a high-speed air-driven dermatome, were used to repigment white areas in 19 patients with vitiligo and one boy with piebaldism. In the depigmented skin to be treated the epidermis was removed by a rotating diamond fraise under topical and/or local anaesthesia injections. The method was used on most parts of the body, including the eyelids and genitalia. The maximum total area treated on each occasion was 190 cm2. Excellent results could be obtained if the vitiligo had been stable and had not increased anywhere during the last 2 years. Lack of immobilization could explain a poor result in some areas. The donor area on the buttocks healed quickly without depigmentation. In the transplanted area milia were observed in the first 6 months. No scarring was seen. The technique has a niche in the treatment of depigmented skin, especially in larger areas.