Variable Vehicle Dynamics Design -Objective Design Methods

The goal of this thesis has been to study the behaviour of the closed loop driver-vehicle-environment in simulation and to find parameters of the synthetic vehicle model, which minimise certain optimisation criteria. A method of optimising parameters using genetic algorithms has been implemented and has proven to work well. Two different driving strategies have been tried in the optimisation of an ISO lane-change maneouvre. The first approach has simulated a beginner driver and his or her behaviour. The second approach simulates an experienced driver and also the possibility of driver adaption to different vehicle types. The implemented driver model has shown to be sufficient to describe the driver's behaviour during lateral maneouvres. A parameter set which minimises the lateral acceleration response on steering wheel angle has proven to be the optimum. This includes a small steering wheel ratio, and a small but positive under steer gradient. The driver has demonstrated the ability to adapt to different vehicles, and therefore different parameter sets, describing the driver, should be used for different problems.