Inconel 690 is alloy of choice for steam-generator tubing
The product of two decades of research and plant application, Inconel 690 promises superior long-term resistance to tube cracking in comparison to alloy 600. Ongoing steam-generator management techniques applied at nuclear pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) plants focus on tube monitoring, inspection, and repair, and on water-chemistry control. Of greatest concern to owner/operators of steam generators (SGs) with recirculating (U-bend) rather than straight through tubes is corrosion of several forms, including pitting, thinning, and cracking. As problems persist and operating and maintenance (O and M) costs become prohibitive, managers must consider the remaining option: complete or partial SG replacement. Although replacement costs can range upward of $100-million, this step restores full-power operation, simplifies inspection, shortens subsequent outages, increases unit availability, and reduces radiation exposure of maintenance personnel. Taken together, these can lead to economies over the long term.