Active integrated antenna based rectenna using the circular sector antenna with harmonic rejection

In order to transmit power without wires, the rectifying antenna (rectenna) which converts RF power to DC power has been researched (W.C. Brown, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-32, pp. 1230-1242, 1984; J.O. McSpadden et al, ibid., vol. 46, pp. 2053-2060, 1998; N. Shinohara and H. Matsumoto, ibid., vol. MTT-46, pp. 261-268, 1998). The rectenna system consisting of a receiving antenna, matching circuits, a bandpass filter (BPF), a diode, and a lowpass filter (LPF) can be applied for the point-to-point RF power transmission system and the Space Power Satellite (SPS). Because of high transmission loss, the efficient energy conversion of the rectenna is the most important portion in the design of the rectenna system. The concept of the active integrated antenna is introduced to design of an efficient rectenna. Under this concept, the antenna provides an additional function such as harmonic rejection in this case. Therefore, the matching circuits and the BPF are not needed for the proposed design.