CodeRetriever: Unimodal and Bimodal Contrastive Learning

In this paper, we propose the CodeRetriever model, which combines the unimodal and bimodal contrastive learning to train functionlevel code semantic representations, specifically for the code search task. For unimodal contrastive learning, we design a semantic-guided method to build positive code pairs based on the documentation and function name. For bimodal contrastive learning, we leverage the documentation and inline comments of code to build text-code pairs. Both contrastive objectives can fully leverage the large-scale code corpus for pretraining. Experimental results on several public benchmarks, (i.e., CodeSearch, CoSQA, etc.) demonstrate the effectiveness of CodeRetriever in the zero-shot setting. By fine-tuning with domain/language specified downstream data, CodeRetriever achieves the new state-ofthe-art performance with significant improvement over existing code pre-trained models. We will make the code, model checkpoint, and constructed datasets publicly available.

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