Introducing the roadmap concept to inexperienced users: a case study.
If an organisation introduces new working methods, a lot of effort is required to introduce the concept to the parties involved. This is true for the introduction of e.g. design methods, systems for quality control or new software. Usually, the roll-out, training and gaining understanding and experience require investments that –by farexceed the initial acquisition. Introduction of the roadmap concept should require less effort, as the concept more closely relates to logical reasoning. This is because it is possible to focus the introduction of roadmaps in an organisation on relevant topics, instead of on organisational and managerial topics. This publication describes a case study in which the roadmap concept and the EDENTM framework are introduced to a group of 35 students Industrial Design Engineering that were formerly unfamiliar with both topics. The students work in small groups; addressing the development, management and evaluation of roadmaps, and simultaneously using these roadmaps as a guidance for a design project.
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