Logic programs represent knowledge in the form of <italic>implications</italic> A if B<subscrpt>1</subscrpt> and … B<subscrpt>n</subscrpt>, n ≥ 0 where the <italic>conclusion</italic> A is an atomic formula and each <italic>condition</italic> B<subscrpt>i</subscrpt> is either an atomic formula or the negation of an atomic formula. Any variables are assumed to be universally quantified, with a scope which is the entire sentence. A negated condition “not A<subscrpt>i</subscrpt>” is deemed to hold if the corresponding positive condition A<subscrpt>i</subscrpt> can be shown to fail to hold. This interpretation of negative conditions is called negation by failure (NBF) [Cl 78]. It has the characteristic that only the positive “if-half” of a definition needs to be given explicity. The negative “only-if” half is given implicitly by NBF.
The obvious problem with NBF is that it supplies the only-if halves of implications, whether or not they are intended. I shall discuss a possible solution to this problem in the context of discussing the more general problem of representing negative conclusions. I shall focus on examples taken from our formalisation of the 1981 British Nationality Act (BNA) [SSKKHC 86]. I shall argue that many negative sentences can be regarded as integrity constraints and consequently can be eliminated by transformations such as those developed by Asirelli et al [ASM 85] and Kowalski and Sadri [KS 88]. Among such sentences are ones expressing prohibitions. The interpretation of prohibitions as integrity constraints suggests a possible approach to the treatment of deontic modalities.
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A Theorem-Proving Approach to Database Integrity
Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming..
Liz Sonenberg,et al.
Integrity Constraint Checking in Stratified Databases
J. Log. Program..
John Grant,et al.
Foundations of Semantic Query Optimization for Deductive Databases
Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming..
Keith L. Clark,et al.
Negation as Failure
Logic and Data Bases.
Robert A. Kowalski,et al.
Abduction Compared with Negation by Failure
Tom Routen.
Hierarchically organised formalisations
ICAIL '89.
Maurizio Martelli,et al.
Integrity Constraints for Logic Databases
J. Log. Program..
Marek J. Sergot,et al.
The British Nationality Act as a logic program