Goals and purposes of higher education in the 21st century
University Education in France - Assessment and Prospect, Daniel Bloch Higher Education in Eastern Europe, Wolfgang Mittler Higher Education in Japan, Ulricb Teichler Continuity and Change in American Higher Education, Martin Trow University Autonomy and the Search for Quality, Juan Rojo Alaminos Creation, Transfer and the Application of Knowledge through the Higher Education System, Henk van der Molen Training for Academia - Muse or Management?, Guy Neave Higher Education and New Socio-economic Challenges, Ulrich Teichler New Perspectives in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Eric de Corte Distance Learning Systems, Walter Perry Unified and Binary Systems of Higher Education in Europe, Peter Scott Who is Going to Study?, Staffan Helmfrid Higher Education for Ageing Societies, Karl Mayer From Humboldt to 1984 - Where are we Now?, Stig Stromholm.