The E-Pulse Technique for Dispersive Scatterers

The E-pulse radar target discrimination scheme, employed in the frequency domain to extract aspect dependent information about targets was recently presented by Rothwell et al.1 This approach assumes that the scattering response is approximated by the model of point scatterers, and consequently can be represented in frequency domain as a sum of complex exponents. Further investigation2–5 has shown that the scattering mechanism is more complicated and is better modelled by an exponential expansion with polynomial coefficients. This dispersive property of the scattering response is found in many real situations and motivates the adaptation of E-pulse based discrimination schemes to this type of target. Here we present procedures, both for the construction of the E-pulses and the extraction of the scattering features from the measured data. This algorithm will be applied to angle discrimination of an open-ended rectangular cavity in which the scattering response was obtained via frequency domain measurements ant to a fin structure in which the scattering response was obtained directly in the time domain using the FDTD technique.