Uptake of HCl and HOCl onto sulfuric acid. Solubilities, diffusivities, and reaction

The interaction of HOCl and HCl vapors with liquid sulfuric acid surfaces was studied in a flow tube equipped with chemical ionization mass spectrometry detection. Time-dependent uptake of HCl and HOCl was measured. A methodology for deriving the value of the quantity H[radical]D[sub 1], (the product of the Henry's law coefficient and the square root of the liquid-phase diffusion coefficient) is discussed. The partial pressures of HCl over HCl-doped sulfuric acid solutions were also measured to directly determine H for HCl (H[sub HCl]*). Using the measured values of H[sub HCl]* and H[sub HCl]*[radical]D[sub 1], the value of D[sub 1] for HCl in 50 wt % sulfuric acid was extracted. Values for H[sub HOCl] and for the second-order rate coefficient for the reaction between dissolved HOCl and HCl were also obtained. The application of these results to modeling stratospheric heterogeneous processes in sulfuric acid aerosols is discussed. 31 refs., 14 refs., 3 tabs.