An Effective Method to Design CBD Components in Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) has been accepted for supporting component-based development (CBD). A component is a large-grained reuse unit consisting of several objects; however, an enterprise bean in EJB is a unit of atomic object and so multiple enterprise beans should be composed to support larger-grained reuse. Therefore, we need practical methods for designing and implementing components with EJB. In this paper, we propose instructions and techniques for designing CBD elements with EJB constructs. That is, we define methods for designing and implementing single and composite components, white and black-box components, multiple interfaces, and variability mechanisms in EJB platform. We evaluate the proposed method by performing a case study and comparing the characteristics of CBD components with the method. Consequently, the method is supposed to improve reusability, applicability, portability of components in EJB platform