Corrosion of insulating layers on MANET steel in flowing Pb17Li
Abstract The suppression of MHD forces in the self-cooled liquid metal blanket can be performed by direct insulating layers of alumina. Such layers, which were produced on an aluminide intermediate layer on MANET steel, should be compatible with liquid Pb17Li at temperatures around 450°C. The corrosion behaviour of such specimens of MANET covered with an aluminide layer and an insulating alumina surface layer was studied in the PICOLO loop in flowing Pb17Li at 450°C. Samples were exposed up to 1000 h in the molten alloy. The corroded specimens were inspected for corrosion effects. Up to the longest time of exposure, corrosion effects could not be detected by several examination methods. The resistivity of the layers and their adherence are not degraded by the liquid alloy.