A Comparison the Level of Security on Top 5 Open Source NoSQL Databases

-This research investigated the effective factors on the security of the top 5 open source NoSQL databases which are MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, Hypertable, and Redis, focusing on 5 effective security factors including: (1) Data files encryption, (2) Client/Server Authentication/Encryption, (3) Intercluster Authentication/Encryption, (4) Script Injection, and (5) Denial of Service attacks. The researchers also compared the strength and weakness regarding these databases’ security and found that Hypertables and Redis are the most secured databases to handle the attack launched by internet users (mostly with injection and DoS), and CouchDB, MongoDB, and Cassandra were the database that is mostly safe from packet sniffing during the communication between the servers. Surprisingly, these five databases did not perform the data file encryption. In this research, the researchers also suggested the useful methods to improve security level for these databases.