STEER envisages a community-centric digitally-based ecosystem which it refers to as “Social Telemedia” as a cross-breeding of social networks and networked media. According to STEER, the Future Social Telemedia Lifecycle will revolve around media services that user communities can both autonomously build and enjoy exploiting smart tools and specific networking facilities. Hence, the project will investigate the possibilities opened by the creation of an ecosystem where these elements are coordinated to enhance the experiences of their members. To lay the foundation for this work, the present deliverable will introduce a real-life use case that describe the experiences of people that find themselves involved as “producers” and “consumers” of a social telemedia ecosystem. The use case concerns geographically distributed communities of people that automatically gather around an “event”, about which the community members share, retrieve, exchange, and integrate networked media objects that they produce to tell stories from each individual’s perspective. Through this use case, we will be able to show how technologies developed in STEER can facilitate the assessment of the nature of the Future Social Telemedia Lifecycle that revolves around communities, reveal new properties and patterns, create new insights, and explore the synergy between Social Informatics and Networked Media delivery, and its impact on user experiences. While the use case reflects STEER’s vision on future community media service, it is not within the project’s objectives to fully implement the whole set of tools that can make the use case happen in all its aspects. While many of the STEER technologies will provide essential functionalities to the use case, there are also topics that will remain out of the scope of the STEER. For such topics, STEER will however provide outlooks, recommendations and links to related EC projects.