Habituality, Pluractionality, and Imperfectivity

Habituality, as commonly conceived, presupposes a more or less regular iteration of an event, such that the resulting habit is regarded as a characterizing property of a given referent. 0 e notion of habituality is thus strictly related to iterativity, although the two should not be confused. In this chapter we aim to de1 ne the respective features of habituality and iterativity and to place them in the framework of the broader notion of “verbal pluractionality” on the one side, and of “gnomic imperfectivity” on the other side. 0 e latter term is proposed here for the 1 rst time (see section 3 ). As for pluractionality, it was originally introduced by Newman ( 1980 ) and was subsequently used to cover the variety of phenomena studied by Dressler ( 1968 ), Cusic ( 1981 ), and Xrakovskij ( 1997 ) among others. 0 ese include 1 rst and foremost the following: 1

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